Never worry about downtime or maintenance again!
As a first step, we will have a talk about what your needs are for your new site, and provide a quote on getting it all designed and developed. We then build a new WordPress based website, where you are able to easily edit pages yourself and we show you how! After it is all finished and you sign onto our All Inclusive Hosting and Management services, we also include time every month for you to email us with changes to text and images you may need. You can choose to do them anytime on your own, or just have us do it for you! We are here to help small and medium sized businesses get on the web quick and affordably! WordPress allows us to provide you with a professional and sharp looking website that your visitors will instantly like and keep their attention. Use the handy form at the bottom of this page to request your quote today! We think you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how quick and affordable we can help you get on the web!

Constant software updating and monitoring is always included!
You don’t just get hosting with us… You get complete maintenance and update services too! When you host with Vernon Websites you will enjoy personal attention to keeping your website’s WordPress software and the various add-on plugins and software up to the most recent updates all through your time hosting with us… as well as constant monitoring for uptime and outages etc. New updates often come daily and if they are not kept up with, can lead to serious security issues including hacking of your website and even compromising the computers of people that visit your site!
Email servers and webmail access to your email accounts.
We will also outfit your website with custom email addresses with your domain name ( Give your email a professional appearance by using your domain name for your email addresses on your website!
Online stores with full payment integration and automatic shipping option quotes.
If you need to add on a really great looking professional online store and take payments online, we can help with this too. (Extra charges apply.) People can browse your online store and buy products (physical and digital) from your site online, making online payments in a variety of ways. With new Canada Post plugins for your store, getting shipping quotes to your visitors happens automatically. Taxes or service charges can also be configured. Relax though! We will take care of everything… Just collect your orders – and profits!
Didn’t see what you were looking for?
We can help you with ANYTHING you need for your new website, even if you don’t see it listed here… We are always open to new idea’s and your thoughts on your projects. We will always do our best to provide the service you require. Just contact us or fill out the handy contact form below to see what we can do for you!