Vernon Websites Project Agreement
Thank you for considering our service and deciding to come aboard! Please fill out the form below to get started on your new services. Once this is completed, I will be in contact to get more information from you to get started. Your new website will be up and running in no time!
The business stuff:
In order to have your site on the internet we will provide you with our “All Inclusive” Website Hosting and Management Services (AIHMS) that provides full and regular maintenance/software updating to the WordPress software along with updating plugins. We also include full security and anti hacking services as a part of this. Your site is monitored constantly. Any issues with the up-time of your site will be handled by us. We suggest visiting your site regularly in case there is anything you would like edited. We will provide you info on how to log in and make small changes to text and images. You will also be allotted 15 minutes per month for us to provide these small basic edits for you as needed. Extra time or larger needs are at the regular hourly rate -min 30 min.
The “All Inclusive” hosting and full maintenance/update/security services are just $48.13 per month, invoiced yearly plus taxes ($577.50). To get started on your project, this amount is due on signing of this agreement. After signing, you will be emailed your first invoice.
Please be sure to read the terms of service mentioned below.
They are also included in the information document that was emailed to you earlier.
Website hosting, management, software updating and security services… 577.50 per year (taxes included). (Standard)
We can not set up your hosting space on the server or do anything with the site until the first invoice is paid.
Second Invoice: After your site is made, the second invoice will be sent for the development and designing of the website. The estimated cost of the site build iss aprox 1800-2500 for a multipage website.
Please contact me if any of this is unclear to you. I want to always be sure that everythign is crystal clear before going ahead so there are never any suprises for anyone. 🙂
Thank you and welcome aboard!